If we built it, they will succeed.

I realize that project-based learning is not the same as competency-based, but there are connections and so much is begin written about PBL right now.  It must be work the effort when there are reports like this one:

"In the five years since Manor opened its doors, not one student has dropped out. Not one dissatisfied teacher has left the job. And 100% of Manor graduates are being admitted to college."  Read the entire artcile.

Now can you think of even one reason NOT to work toward these types of learning environments and opportunties for our students?

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    Linda Linn

    Service Learning is a research-based method of teaching that seems to have been forgotten.  Project-based learning can be 'ramped up' by following the process of service learning.  Student voice plays a large part in service learning.  The students not only learn the academic content intended, but also 21st Century Skills, Universal Constructs AND the community-based organizations that play a part in the learning also benefit.




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      Rose L. colby

      I am working with a small elementary (K-4) school who will be a competency-based, project based learning environment.  The curriculum design piece has been interesting.  Andrew K Miller and I will be presenting a session on Designing Competency-Based Project Based Learning at the iNACOL conference in October.