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Delivering on the Promise: The Education Revolution by Richard, Delorenzo, Wendy Battino, Rick Schreiber, Barbara Gaddy Carrio
The story of transformational educational change in Chugash, Alaska. Proof that we can do this--but also the challenge that we MUST do this. This is the foundational read for anyone interested in competency-based education
Competency-based Education white papers by iNACOL are availalbe at
CompetencyWorks Recommended Reading from Chris Sturgis
She said they keep this up to date with the latest things on CBE. It is arranged by date.
Cracking the Code: Synchronizing Policy and Practice for Performanc...
The report sets a policy framework for advancing performance-based learning and builds on recommendations made during the 2011 Competency-Based Learning Summit convened by iNACOL and CCSSO. The report recommends that states begin to transform policies from “rigid compliance” to “enabling policies,” by offering seat-time waivers or “credit flex” policies that allow for the flexibility to offer competency-based learning in K-12. The policy development is multi-stage — building towards a “comprehensive policy redesign” that would require school districts to offer competency-based credits; provide proper training and information systems; establish quality-control; and align higher education with K-12 competency-based efforts.
The Art and Science of Designing Competencies
The first in a series of Issue Briefs, The Art and Science of Designing Competencies brings together insights from a number of leading practitioners from around the country. Listen to the voices of innovators as they share their insights and lessons learned on how to build powerful competencies, engage teachers, and integrate lifelong learning competencies. Be sure to check out the companion resources on the Competency-Based Pathways Wiki.
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