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Competency-based Task Force Meetings

Our charge and due dates (2013 legislation added a strategic plan to implement statewide to your charge--to be included in our final report November 2013)

Task Force on Competency-based Instruction Final Report November 15, 2013  link

Final Whole Group Meeting:  Sept. 18, 2013 Agenda  Minutes

Fifth Whole Group Meeting:  July 11, 2013  Agenda  Minutes                                            College & Career Ready Powerpoint

Fourth Whole Group Meeting:  May 14, 2013   Agenda   Minutes

Third Whole Group Meeting: March 12, 2013  Agenda    Minutes

Workday: February 14, 2013         Agenda     Minutes

Task Force on Competency-based Instruction Preliminary Report January 15, 2013 link

Second Whole Group Meeting: November 13, 2012  Agenda  Minutes

First Whole Group Meeting:  July 30, 2012   Agenda     Minutes

I have been replaying the meeting in my mind as I process the passion, confusion, and valuable work that filled the day.  Themes that fall out for me include:

  • Grading WILL change or nothing really changes--we may not have to invent how it changes but percentages or points on individual assignments may or may not add up to competent.
  • Competency-based and project-based are not the same and definately not twins but they are at least cousins who have become best friends.
  • Communication is foundational—everyone: students, teachers, parents, community.
  • Focus on mastery not deficits. 
  • Standards are content; competencies are outcomes--transferable to other work.
  • We have a lot of work to do, but others have been where we are and are willing to help.  (We know we do not necessarily want to copy, but we definitely do not want to reinvent any wheels that work.)
  • We need a foundation for our work so the first two required readings are:
    • Iowa Department of Education Guidelines  
    • When Success Is the Only Option  (iNACOL)

Jeff Herzberg, Bridgette Wagoner, Jason Ellingson, and  Sandra Dop will meet to set a future agenda. 

And I would vote for the following from a student on our Google Hangout session as the most profound thought of the day:  “With the traditional way, when someone didn’t understand math, they would say, ‘I don’t understand math.’  But now they say, ‘I don’t understand THIS.’  And the teacher helps to pinpoint what THIS is.”  When we get there, we will know we have moved teaching and learning significantly! 

 Sandra Dop



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